



Custom Reports



Sage Business Intelligence



The Time Has Come To Upgrade Your Microsoft Excel

And here are a number of good reasons to do so:

  • You need more than 65,000 rows on a worksheet. Excel now allows over a million rows.

  • You need more than 256 columns. Excel now allows over 16000 columns.

  • You do a lot of graphics work and need the new graphics tools and options.

  • You do a lot of pivot table work and need the new pivot table features.

  • Business dashboards can be easily created from spreadsheets to track key performance.

  • Sparklines are cool, tiny charts to show trends.

  • Use Slicers to filter data in PivotTable data.

Work in the Cloud with Sage 50c

With Sage 50c you can push your Sage 50 data from the desktop to the cloud and work from anywhere.  Sage 50c is available exclusively by subscription.  Your data is safe, secure, and always accessible.  Cloud data automatically syncs with the desktop so you can be certain that everyone is working on the latest information. Plus, your financial information is securely stored in the cloud if anything should happen to corrupt the information on your office computers.

Call us at 954.957.7199 to talk price or more detail.

Sage 50–U.S. Edition | How Secure is Your System?

Fraud, by nature, is hidden. Therefore, there is no guaranteed way to avoid it. Nevertheless, it’s important for businesses of any size to take employee fraud seriously and implement deterrents to help prevent and identify fraud as quickly as possible.

Now is a great time to do an inventory of your own system’s capabilities. If you’re currently not using a system that offers these capabilities, it may be time to change. Recognizing the importance of tracking and protecting your assets and ensuring that you are equipped to manage them puts you ahead of the game!

One of the best defenses against fraud in small businesses is to use the powerful security features in Sage 50 to restrict access to sensitive financial data. Sage 50 allows you to create user profiles for each person, requiring a user name and password in order to access company data. Plus, you can grant access to select areas, right down to the screen level in certain products.

Audit Trail
The Sage 50 audit trail helps provide accountability of users, deters users from fraudulent activity or mistakes, and tracks transaction history. This feature also logs when a person enters data, edits existing data, or removes data.

Account Reconciliation
A fundamental practice in the effort to detect fraudulent activity is regular, thorough account reconciliation. The Sage 50 account reconciliation tool makes reconciliation of any general ledger account easy.

Internal Accounting Review
The Internal Accounting Review is a unique tool in Sage 50 that runs an internal audit on company data. The Internal Accounting Review looks for common transaction mistakes and potentially fraudulent activity by running a series of up to 15 checks. If potential problems are found, they are listed and grouped with a description of the issue, ready for the appropriate actions to be taken.

Backup and Restore
We recommend you backup company data on a regular basis and store those backups in a separate, secure location. Besides being an essential safeguard against potential errors and data corruption, data backups can be restored if fraudulent activity is suspected. Backups are also useful for auditing purposes.

Cases of fraud are most easily dealt with, and their effects minimized, when they are detected early. Sage 50 provides a means for administrators to set alerts that are triggered by activities related to a specific customer, vendor, or employee. For example, users of Sage 50 can immediately email an alert to an administrator as soon as the purchase volume for any vendor reaches a specified level. Automated alerts in Sage 50 act like another set of eyes that are on the books 24 hours a day.

Give us a call if you want to discuss how secure your accounting software is.

Please Note: Features and functionality vary by product.